Wednesday, July 12, 2006

And it keeps goin'

            The intensity began today with multiple practice rounds. The skill level definitely improved as the day went on. The day started with a lab session, we met in the library and made some updates on our cases. I have set a goal to find Andrew a CHACKO TACO before I leave Denton.  Then we had two practice rounds, lunch, and three more practice rounds. Hopefully the saying is right and practice does make perfect. After practice rounds, I personally enjoyed Jimmy Johns with Ms. Tanya. It was worth the walk across campus in the 99 degree weather. Dinner was followed by article group, featuring everyone’s favorite author: Nozick! Lab concluded the day with the blocking of arguments, choosing of electives and practicum’s of skills. Mike is catching up really quick, having arrived a week late, he seems to really like new topic. The week is almost over and our students are getting sad.


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