BD Lab
Today was the ideal day for debate camp. We had our first lab this morning and we were introduced to nine very intelligent, hard-working and funny debaters. We started off lab with an ice breaker playing two truths and a lie. After the introductions were made we asked the students to talk a little bit about their debate experience and future goals in order to gage the focus of our lab. Then we dove right into topic analysis. The students were treated to a lovely topic lecture last night so we experienced in more depth the topic, positions, and pending questions. All the students were very active and sincere about the positions they advocated. After lab students attended Bruce Hall for an exceptional lunch, featuring an option of my personal favorite, the cookie cone! After they were re-fueled from lunch students attended a phenomenal research lecture given by three prestigious educators and educates. Then they continued working hard heading to article group where they used their knowledge from the lecture in order to talk about assigned articles to help with card cutting in general and for the topic. It was back to a short lab after this article group. The purpose of this lab was two-fold, we continued with our topic analysis, and also focused on the upcoming demonstration debate and what our students should look for when flowing the round. After lab students attended a lecture on casing when they learned the fundamentals of how to write solid cases. Then it was back to Bruce Hall for some baked succulent chicken and other assorted goodies. Followed by dinner, the camps first demonstration debate occurred between Matt Levinson and myself. It was a close, humorous and persuasive round. We debated the previous nationals topic: In matters of collecting military intelligence, the ends justify the means. There was much discussion during the rounds prep time and afterward of what we did well and what was done not so well. Then Mr. Timmons and Beena Koshy along with other staff members helped students learn to apply good tactics to their future debating on any topic. Then our students returned to lab where we discussed in depth the round. Students had many questions and all agreed the round was close. So lab is going pretty well and the students seem to be enjoying lab/lectures/debates while simultaneously having a great time, especially when Mr. Beard gives them gum in lab!
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