Sunday, July 16, 2006

Special Report

Today food was consumed at a different campus other than BRUCE HALL, DENTON. I would like to take a moment to inform the public that nothing will compare to Bruce Hall.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

It was a short two weeks..

Camp is over! On behalf of Mr. Beard, Sam, and myself we would like to thank all of our lab for being perfect. We know “ya’ll” learned a lot and hope to see you next year. Our last lab went smoothly, students were given words of encouragement for next year, and for the camp tournament in general. We also gave students our contact information in case they have any concerns or questions. We are confident our students have the skills to succeed both in education and competition. Thanks for a great two weeks!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

See you around...

The 2-week UNT experience is winding down. While most of our lab is tired, we still found the strength to block out arguments, share our debate goals for the future, and thank one another for what we learned. The day started out with some lovely electives, complete with humor and information. Following electives students attended their last article group, where they tied together the various concepts they had learned the past two weeks and discussed the application to debate. Then it was time for lab. After lunch we had some more tournament rounds, the records are close and everyone is motivated to win! Rachel is doing very well and is trying to remain focused on learning, not her record. After rounds we had dinner and now optional activities. One of the optional activities, I personally am looking forward to is the demo debate between Katherine and Shane, Katherine will be doing a performance which she developed for TOC!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

And it keeps goin'

            The intensity began today with multiple practice rounds. The skill level definitely improved as the day went on. The day started with a lab session, we met in the library and made some updates on our cases. I have set a goal to find Andrew a CHACKO TACO before I leave Denton.  Then we had two practice rounds, lunch, and three more practice rounds. Hopefully the saying is right and practice does make perfect. After practice rounds, I personally enjoyed Jimmy Johns with Ms. Tanya. It was worth the walk across campus in the 99 degree weather. Dinner was followed by article group, featuring everyone’s favorite author: Nozick! Lab concluded the day with the blocking of arguments, choosing of electives and practicum’s of skills. Mike is catching up really quick, having arrived a week late, he seems to really like new topic. The week is almost over and our students are getting sad.

Monday, July 10, 2006

I don't know but I've been told...

This morning our lab headed to lab after a plentiful serving of home-made Belgian Waffles. In lab, our students could be found reading cases, editing, or even researching for some last minute blocks. Chris should get a special shout-out because he was working very hard at putting his persuasion skills into practice. He must’ve read his case at least ten times! Then it was off to the first practice rounds, students and staff alike were waiting in great anticipation for our cases and responses to be put into action. The first practice round was followed by lunch. Then it was three more practice rounds! After talking to some of the students in our lab the consensus was that rounds went a lot better than expected. After the practice round it was time for our third elective. Students had the choice of attending lectures on democratic theory, critical race theory, the 1NC, Critics of the social contract, or a presentation practicum. Elective are also going really well, students like the various options that are conducive to their styles of debate. After electives, students headed to their article groups. It seems as though they were all prepared and still deriving cards from the articles they read. After article groups students were treated to a very special lecture on preparation by Mr. Timmons and Mr. Wolfish. The lecture was both informative and motivational. After the elective students have a choice to attend a couple of different demonstration debates: A performance by Katherine (aff) and Shane (neg) on the eminent domain topic, or a critical round by Nathan (aff) and Laura (neg). Both debates should be competitive, friendly and intelligent!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Week Two and the fun gets intense

Students were reminded today how nice it feels to sleep in. Due to religious observances and a stressful week the institute allowed a free morning from 9-12.  Students in our lab could be found doing laundry, working on cases with instructors, sleeping, or eating breakfast at Bruce Hall. After a stress-free morning students headed to article group, where Paul told us he found every card imaginable for the negative. After article group students headed to elective one and elective two. Our students split up the electives they attended so they can share notes. After the electives we had a pizza party, boy does Texas have good pizza.  Lab time concluded our day, with practice rounds, edited cases, a couple drills and some deep discussions! Mr. Beard convinced Andrew to run a “skurry negative” Andrew is VERY excited to write it – in claim, data, warrant, impact form of course! Today represented both a relaxed and productive day!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

WEEK ONE IS OVER? Say it ain't so...

It's already Saturday night and all eight of our students have amazing work ethic and dedication! Touche! The morning started out with riveting lectures; either rebuttals II with the esteemed Steff and Tanya or weighing with the TOC champ David. Then it was off to drill labs, our lab personally read a case then gave the students a couple minutes to prepare rebuttals/weighing. They were attentive and did a superb job! Next was an international relations theory lecture by Mr. Wolfish, complete with diagrams and funny jokes. After lunch we had lab. In lab we went of the process of writing a syllogism, Paul had a really good idea which he will bust out sometime tomorrow! Then we practiced on how to make our cases unbeatable. Let's just say we now have an eight step system, the other labs should be skurred. After we collectively developed the "EIGHT STEP SYSTEM" we went to the computer lab to put our plan into action! Then it was time for article group. Dinner was especially tasty tonight,  I personally enjoyed a slice of cheese pizza, which tasted as if it was prepared by four star Italian chefs, followed by a self-made ice cream cone. It was Bon Apatite for our lab! Then it was a demonstration debate between David (aff) and Tanya (neg) on the camp topic (healthcare). I have to say, it was AMAZING. They both acted with professionalism, ethics and intelligence. I have been thinking about the round for over an hour an I still can’t decide who won! It was a really educational round. Student now have a much better idea of how to present the arguments in there cases and rebuttal speeches. Then we had lab where students chose which electives they wanted to attend tomorrow. Alls well in the BD lab.